As you work through the Velen section of The Witcher 3, you'll be able to complete various Secondary Quests as a natural path through the main story. If you need a few pointers in the right direction, here's what you need to know about completing every one of them.
Watch on YouTube. The Witcher 3: Fists of Fury – Velen. This quest is simple. You just need to visit four different locations and defeat the fighters in an unarmed brawl. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. But Geralt is no ordinary guy, I agree fall damage is a little crazy Press jump right before you land, Geralt will somersault Did not know! I was getting sick of jumping off a 2 or 3 foot cliff and taking half my health in damage.
How to Enable The Witcher 3 Console. After enabling the debug console, press the or F2 key on your keyboard to open it. After typing a command into the console, hit ENTER to send it. Commands in The Witcher 3 are CASE SENSITIVE, so make sure you spell commands exactly as they are this list. Remember that most codes (e.g. Item codes, NPC codes.

An Invitation from Keira Metz
Talk to Keira.
A Towerful of Mice

Take a boat to Fyke Isle and head towards the tower. If you come across a green glowing bubble on the way there, activate your Magic Lamp for some bonus XP. Make your way up the tower, making use of the lamp as you go.
When you reach the highest level, there are two switches on the wall (one next to the stairs, the other next to a bookshelf). Pull the switches to reveal a secret door to the laboratory, then use your magic lantern to talk to Anabelle. Finally, take her remains to Graham.
For the Advancement of Learning
Return to Fyke Isle and speak to Keira.
Our Witcher 3 walkthrough and guide can help you with the main story, including the Wandering in the Dark and Family Matters missions, and eventually, one of several Witcher 3 endings. There's plenty of side content, too, including Witcher 3 Contracts, White Orchard quests, Velen quests, Novigrad quests and Skellige Isles quests. Elsewhere, learn about the best Witcher 3 builds, the best Witcher 3 mods, how to make money in Witcher 3, find Places of Power locations, and learn how to do Witcher 3 crafting and Witcher 3 Alchemy And when you're done with all those - we can help you through expansions with our Hearts of Stone walkthrough and Blood and Wine walkthrough.
Witcher 3 Take A Fall
The Fall of the House of Reardon
Talk to Dolores, then head for the manor and kill everything (four wraiths). Loot the chests in the outbuildings, and return to Dolores.

Witcher 3 Do I Take A Fall
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Witcher 3 Take A Fall Fighting
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